David Breton
Jan 15, 2024
Available at AMK Aviation Inc.
MT-Propeller Entwicklung GmbH received the  EASA STC 10083426  for the installation of the 3-blade Propeller MTV-9-D/200-58 on the Cessna Cessna 182H, J, K, L, M, P, Q, F182P, F182Q powered by the engine Teledyne Continental Motor IO-550-D.
The FAA STC is in progress.
MT-Propeller Vice President Martin Albrecht says, that the installation features the following advantages:
- Best vibration damping characteristics for almost vibration free propeller operations.
- Bonded on stainless steel leading edge for best erosion protection of the blades.
- Unlimited blade life.
- FOD repairable blades.
- More ground clearance for less FOD.
- Inside and outside noise reduction.
MT-Propeller is the world leading natural composite propeller manufacturer with 30 certified propeller models from 2-blade to 7-blade hydraulically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 5000hp, and 2-blade to 4-blade electrically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 350hp as well as two blade fixed pitch propellers.
The high performance, light weight and durable MT-Propellers can be used on aircraft with piston engines and propeller turbines, as well as on airships, wind tunnels and hovercraft. MT-Propellers can be developed for nearly every aircraft type from motor gliders to regional airliners.
Fulfilling the highest certification requirements they are also supplemental type certified on Part 25 aircraft.